Manjaro 23.1 “Vulcan” Available For Download

Manjaro 23.1 “Vulcan” Available For Download

Manjaro Linux 23.1 is now available for the download. It is the first major update in the Manjaro Linux 23.  You can download the ISO of the latest version of the Manjaro Linux from the official website.  You can find the latest Xfce 4.18 and KDE Plasma 5.27 LTS desktop environment on Manjaro Linux 23.  Manjaro 23.1 Vulcan is powered by Linux kernel 6.5.  Manjaro Linux follows a rolling-release model.

What To Expect On Manjaro 23.1 Vulcan?

  • Xfce 4.18 and KDE Plasma 5.27 LTS desktop environment
  • Linux kernel 6.5
  • KDE Frameworks 5.112
  • KDE Gear 23.08.4 software suites
  • Warzone2100 is updated to version 4.4.2 16
  • Thunderbird has been updated to version 115.5.2 3
  • wifi regression issue in kernel 18 has been resolved
  • Xorg-Server and XWayland received critical security updates

If you want to use the latest version of Manjaro Linux, You can download it from the following links:

Download Manjaro Linux 23.1 Xfce
Download Manjaro Linux 23.1 GNOME
Download Manjaro Linux 23.1 KDE Plasma

How To Update Manjaro Linux?

Manjaro’s package manager, Pamac ships with most Manjaro editions. Run the following command to update the package database and update all packages on the Manjaro Linux.

user $ sudo pacman -Syu

Run the following command to update all packages on the system and allow packages to be downgraded.

user $ sudo pacman -Syuu

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