How To Fix “system has not been booted with systemd as init system (pid 1). can’t operate” Error

How To Fix “system has not been booted with systemd as init system (pid 1). can’t operate” Error

If you are using Ubuntu in WSL and try to run sudo systemctl start  command then you might come across the “system has not been booted with systemd as init system (pid 1). can’t operate” Error. The one and only reason for this is that your Linux system is not using systemd.In WSL, Ubuntu uses SysV instead of systemd. systemctl is a command-line tool to manage systemd daemons/services while SysV is one of the first init systems for the UNIX/Linux operating system

How To Fix “system has not been booted with systemd as init system (pid 1). can’t operate” Error

One and only way to fix this error is to use the alternate command that does same job if you have uses systemd command . Let’s have a look into the list of the equivalent sysvinit command for systemd.


sysvinit Command systemd Command
systemctl start example service example start
systemctl stop example service example stop
systemctl restart example service example restart
systemctl reload example service example reload
systemctl condrestart example service example condrestart
systemctl status example service example status
systemctl enable example chkconfig example on
systemctl disable example chkconfig example off
systemctl is-enabled example chkconfig example –list
systemctl list-unit-files –type=service chkconfig
systemctl daemon-reload chkconfig example –add


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