The latest stable edition of the 4MLinux 42 GNU/Linux distribution has been released. Created using the JWM (Joe’s Window Manager) graphical environment, 4MLinux 42, was made public by Zbigniew Konojacki.
What’s New On 4MLinux 42?
- LibreOffice 7.5.2 and GNOME Office (AbiWord 3.0.5, GIMP 2.10.34, Gnumeric 1.12.55)
- Firefox 111.0 and Chromium 106.0.5249.91
- Thunderbird 102.8.0
- Audacious 4.3
- VLC 3.0.18 and SMPlayer 22.7.0
- Mesa 22.2.3 and Wine 8.3
- LAMP Server (Linux 6.1.10, Apache 2.4.56, MariaDB 10.6.12, PHP 5.6.40, PHP 7.4.33, and PHP 8.1.17.). Perl 5.36.0, Python 2.7.18, Python 3.10.8, and Ruby 3.1.3.
System Requirements:
The minimum requirements for 4MLinux (64-bit):
– 128 MB of RAM when 4MLinux is installed on an HDD,
– 1500 MB of RAM when 4MLinux is run as a live CD/USB.
The minimum requirements for 4MServer (64-bit):
– 256 MB of RAM when 4MServer is installed to an HDD,
– 3000 MB of RAM when 4MServer is run as a live CD/USB